Spanish Goats

The story as I herd it, is that the Spanish goats were obviously brought over by the Spaniards back in the 1800’s. They dropped them off on secluded islands along the way, so that they would have a source of food in their travels. They also kept them here on the mainland. In doing this, the Spanish goats developed their own herd immunity to parasites and other diseases. For many moons, here in North America, they have roamed free, on thousands of acres; foraging and living off the land. They are probably the most parasite resistant goat in North America.

Today the Spanish goat is a meat and brush-clearing type goat breed widely found in the United States. The breed is often referred to as “wood” in the Southeast and elsewhere, “brush” or “briar” (North Carolina, South Carolina), “hill” (Virginia), and “scrub” (midwest Pennsylvania) goats.